Create a Multi-Page JavaScript Boilerplate with Webpack 5, lint-staged, husky and github-actions (Part 6)

This is a continuation of Part 5.

This is the last part. In this part, we will set up Husky and Github-Actions.

Setup lint-staged and Husky

Pre-Requisite: Set up git in the project. Run command git init to initiate it.

It is a tedious process to run ESlint and prettier every time before committing to git. We want to run linter before committing files to git. Here comes lint-staged and Husky.

Install lint-staged

npm install --save-dev lint-staged

lint-staged — package is used to run linter on only staged git files

Update package.json file, add lint-staged configs to run linter on staged git files

 "lint-staged": {
   "*.{js}": [
     "eslint --fix",
     "prettier . --check"

We will to use lint-staged in husky.

husky — It is used to improve git commits. It makes it easy to setup and manage git hooks in the project. Git hooks are scripts that are automatically executed before or after specific Git events, such as committing or pushing code. (

Next, Install husky

npm install --save-dev husky

Let’s configure a pre-commit hook that will run linter before committing to git

Update package.json file, add prepare entry in scripts object

 "scripts": {
   "prepare": "husky install"

Initialize husky by running the command npm run prepare in the project directory

setup pre-commit hook

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit

git add .husky/pre-commit

This will add .husky/.pre-commit file

Open .husky/.pre-commit file and replace file content with this.

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname - "$0")/_/"

npx lint-staged

lint-staged is setup successfully. On committing to git, ESLint and prettier will run. The commit will fail if ESLint or Prettier error occurs.

Make a commit and you should see lint commands running in the console

Setup Github-Actions

Last thing is to setup github actions

If a user comments out the pre-commit hook, then code with ESLint or prettier errors can be committed to git.
We want to make sure to push error-free code to repository.

Github-action is a tool to automate developer workflows and CI/CD processes. It is provided by Git Hub.

Navigate to the project directory and add .github/workflows directory.

mkdir -p .github/workflows
cd .github/workflows

In workflows directory, add a file named code-quality.yml

touch code-quality.yml

Add .yaml script in code-quality.yml file to run ESLint and prettier each time we create pull-request on github

name: ESLint and Prettier
run-name: Running ESLint and Prettier
  push: # Trigger the workflow on push events for any branch
    types: [synchronize, opened, reopen]
    name: ESLint and Prettier
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 16
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Run ESLint
        run: npm run lint
      - name: Run Prettier
        run: npm run prettier

1. name and run-name: Specify the name of the github action

2. on: We want to run Linter whenever code is pushed or PR is created on github

3. jobs: This key holds the actual script we are going to run

On github, In Actions tab, you should see GitHub action running whenever you push or create PR.

We are done! We have successfully setup JavaScript multipage boilerplate. We saw that Webpack is a powerful bundler. We can get maximum advantage by using plugins and loaders. It seems like a beast initially but once we get our hands dirty, we can truly see how useful this tool is.

Hope this article was insightful and feel free to drop your feedback!!

Find below the link to the boilerplate code we set up in this article

Feel free to drop comments down below if you have any feedback.